Ways to Enjoy the Red

10 Ways to Be Active Along the Red River
With the Red River flowing through Fargo and Moorhead, there are many ways you can ENJOY this important resource in every season without having to travel far. Hike, bike, relax and explore while enjoying all the riverfront has to offer.
- Canoe or Kayak
- Rent kayaks at Lindenwood Park in Fargo. Learn more at fargoparks.com/Lindenwood-rentals
- Rental Shack at Hjemkomst Landing in Moorhead
- Rent a canoe or kayak
- Register for a River Paddling Excursion. Go on a guided canoe and kayak tour of the river.
- Learn more (Pre-registration is required for River Paddling Excursions) at moorheadparks.com/on-the-river
- Project Partners: Moorhead Parks and Recreation and River Keepers
- Volunteer at River Keepers On-the-Water Clean Up
- Participants must be comfortable in a canoe and be willing to get dirty.
- August 4 (backup August 11) from 6—8 pm
- Pre-registration required. Email Kimberly@riverkeepers.org
- Participate in River Keepers Race the Red
- Canoe and kayak races with multiple distances. All skill levels welcome. Registration encouraged.
- June 23 at 6:30 pm (Back up July 21)
- Register on Eventbrite
- Boating
- Utilize the boat launches in Fargo and Moorhead for your next boating adventure.
- Fargo: Dike East, Iwen Park
- Moorhead: M.B. Johnson Park
- Fish
- The Red River has over 80 species of fish!
- Attend River Keepers Youth Fishing Clinics. Free.
- Lil Anglers Fishing Clinic & Derby on June 18 from 5:30—7:30 pm at Dike East Park
- Project Partners: FM Walleyes
- Shore Fishing
- There are many places to fish from the banks in Fargo and Moorhead.
- Disc Golf
- Fargo: Trollwood, Oak Grove, and Iwen Park
- Moorhead: Woodlawn Park
- Cass Clay Disc Golf Club on Facebook
- Golf Along the River
- Public golf courses at Edgewood and El Zagal, Fargo
- Catfish Cup Golf Scramble.
- Support River Keepers while golfing. Registration required.
- June 9 at noon at Edgewood
- Camp
- Lindenwood Park, Fargo
- Read Interpretive Signs
- Take a relaxing walk and learn about the Red River by reading interpretive signs
- Moorhead: Along the Moorhead River Corridor Trail and M.B. Johnson Park
- Fargo: Downtown, Wildflower Grove Park
- Find Red River Geocaches
- Learn fun facts about the Red River by finding River Keepers geocaches and then continue your adventure with the many other caches along the river.
- Watch Wildlife
- Go on a scavenger hunt to try and find signs of animals using your senses.
- Use River Keepers scavenger hunts to expand awareness for the river landscape, flora, and fauna.
- Bird watch or participate in Bird Counts
- Learn more at Dakota.audubon.org
- Go on a scavenger hunt to try and find signs of animals using your senses.
- Ride a Bike
- Rent bikes at Lindenwood Park, Fargo
- 10 miles of single lane bike dirt trails near the river. Follow FM Trailbuilders on Facebook for trail conditions.
- Paved riverfront trails in Fargo and Moorhead run through many parks with beautiful scenery.