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January Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer with us this January! Below are some of our top volunteer needs. To learn more or sign up, email Kim at Kimberly@riverkeepers.org, call 701.356.8915.

💧Apply to become a 2025 Outreach Ambassador!

*Application Deadline: Feb. 1st.

*Staff River Keepers booth at outreach events. Ambassadors answer questions about River Keepers, promotes River Keepers events and activities, and train Outreach Activity Assistants to teach a fun hands-on activity for youth.

*This position requires additional training.

💧 T-shirt to Tote Project:

*Cut and tie T-shirts into totes. Totes will be distributed to reduce the number of plastic bags found in or near the Red River.

*This project can be taken home or worked on at our office during business hours.

💧Logo Designer for our Red River Water Festival:

*Help refresh the logo for our Red River Water Festival logo.

*Use our brand etiquette guide for guidance

*This can be a remote volunteer project.


*This is a structured volunteer position that revolves around a special project and an agreed upon start date, end date and schedule.

*Can be for credit or non-credit determined by you or your school.

*Unpaid, but a meaningful experience!

💧Social Media Creator:

*We are looking for volunteers who are creative and savvy with social media!

*Write social media posts for Facebook and Instagram. Past volunteers have created fun content related to learning, sustaining, and enjoying the Red River including games like Trivia Tuesday.